The Beauty Room

The Beauty Room | Blog

lash extension myths, lash extensions dos, lash extension don't, strip lashes vs lash extensions,
by RG404705 13 Jul, 2023
Lash Extensions are very popular at the moment with celebrities from Kim K to Jennifer Lopez wearing them. Perfect if you don't want to do a long make up routine in the morning, just a little tinted moisturiser and your good to go. Then on the other hand if you love your glam these are ideal because you can go full on diva with a full face of make up and be red carpet ready in no time. So if your still not convinced then read on and learn the dos, don'ts and myths of lash extensions!
cuticle care, cuticle butter, hand cream, hand care,
by RG404705 12 Jul, 2023
Caring for your hands and nails can actually make your hands appear younger! How can I achieve this I hear you ask? Well look no further I've got you covered!
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by RG404705 12 Jul, 2023
Always wanted to get the perfect beach wave hair? Well look no further!
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by RG404705 12 Jul, 2023
Everyone's talking out their "BIAB journey" but what actually is BIAB? Is it all its made out to be? Well fear not I will tell you everything you need to know about it!

Not sure if you should get hair extensions?

Learn how to choose & maintain the perfect ones for you!

hair extensions, the beauty room | blog

Maintenance! There is no better way to transform your hair then with hair extensions. Add length & thickness instantly! However, keeping them looking flawless is all about how you look after them. To boost the longevity of your extensions it is important to attend your maintenance appointments every 2/3 months. But don't worry we have a helpfully guide for you to follow at home between your appointments to keep your locks looking fabulous!

  • Wash extensions with Sulfate free shampoo
  • Never condition the roots as bonds will slip
  • Brush extensions from the bottom & work your way up to root
  • Always dry the roots fully, you can let the ends air dry
  • Plait your hair before bed to keep hair from tangling

The Perfect hair extensions for you! Clip in Extensions are perfect for occasional wear because they are easy to pop in and out. There is no maintenance  or commitment involved. Micro Ring or Nano Ring Extensions is by far the most popular method and its the method I prefer for my clients at The Beauty Room. Its not damaging to your hair because the extension is applied using tiny silicone beads which are tightened to the natural hair. This method is great for all hair types as it adds length and thickness but is gentle on the hair at the same time and has no nasty glue!! This method is also cost affective as the hair is reusable, at your maintenance appointments you can get the hair refitted many times! Tape Extensions are a good option for those with fine hair that wants to add some thickness on a semi-permanent basis!

Human or Synthetic!  Human Hair is always the best choice. Its better to invest in the best human hair you can afford as this is the highest quality hair and you can refit it many times. You can style human hair as you would you own natural hair, no need to give up your favourite styles! At The Beauty Room Monamolin we only use 100% human hair because we only want the best for our clients and in the long term is a lot more affordable as it lasts so much longer! Synthetic Hair does not allow heat styling and is usually unnaturally shiny. Synthetic hair will never move the way human hair would and it can knot much easier. It is cheaper then human hair but it wont last anywhere near as long!

The Beauty Room! If you are thinking of getting Hair Extension please feel free to contact me at or click the Book Now button below! At the Beauty Room we pride ourselves on the standard of care we give to all our clients and provide the highest quality of hair extension!



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